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The Test, the Technology

We use the latest DNA-based technology with state-of-the-art equipment. While many other labs use only 5 or 9 genetic markers, we use 15, which is sometimes referred to as a “premium test.” This is the most powerful standard test done in the industry. Because of the speed of our equipment, tests can be completed in three days (or less) if needed, although standard turnaround time is 5-7 workdays. As soon as a test is completed, the results can be made available to the customer by e-mail or (to be added very soon) on our website. In addition, a paper copy of the test report will always be mailed to you for your records.

The 15 genetic markers we analyze include the same 13 markers used by the FBI and other law enforcement agencies for human DNA identity testing. These 13 markers are referred to as the Combined DNA Index System (CODIS). All of these markers are used only in the determination of human identity. They in no way reveal any other genetic information about the tested individuals, such as predisposition to certain medical problems. Therefore, you should have no apprehension that the results can be used for any purpose other than establishing family relationships.

This technology uses the polymerase chain reaction (PCR) method, which has replaced the earlier restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) technique because it is faster, more accurate, and can be used with very small samples of DNA. That is one reason why blood is no longer required in such DNA human identity tests.

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